Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Here we go!

Just over a year ago, I came to the sport of triathlon through Team in Training, a complete newbie that had never even seen an event.

I had run a bit for exercise but never had participated in a timed race, and always liked the water but never would have been confused for a serious swimmer. And the only bike I owned was a mountain bike hybrid I had barely taken around the block.

But here I am about 13 months later, getting ready to make a big push towards a full Ironman: Ironman Florida, November 1, 2008!

Oddly, I'm not that worried or nervous about it. The one thing I've learned in this sport is that you commit to an event then follow your training plan, you'll get there. Instead of getting freaked out about the race (OMG, 112 miles on the bike THEN run a marathon???) I just try and concentrate on each week, executing my workout plan to the best of my ability. And experience has taught me that the desired results will follow.

So, I am less than three weeks out from my first event of the year, which is just a step toward the BIGGIE. My next race will actually be the first triathlon I'll have done twice, as it was my very first tri of any type almost a year ago. I did okay in that race but not as well as I had hoped or expected but in many ways that was a good thing. I learned a healthy respect for the sport very early on and it certainly lit my competitive fires, knowing I was capable of a better performance.

I've been training in earnest since the holidays and the last month or so has become more intense with more speed work (sprints and intervals) in the various disciplines. This will be my last 'build' week before starting to taper down before the race date. Unfortunately, I've been ill; first with the flu and now a fledgling chest cold. After taking some time off, I've decided just to push through and keep doing my workouts the best I can. Hopefully, my cold will pass soon although last year at this time I had something similar and it lasted weeks and through my first Lavaman. As I've learned, that's all part of this sport.

I hope to update this blog at least weekly so I can document my progress. Even if others are only marginally interested, it will be a fun thing to look back on for yours truly.


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